Lo único que merece la pena de "Los Amantes Pasajeros"
Hoy escribo para contaros lo apasionante que está siendo mi fin de semana. Resulta que el viernes me hice un esguince de gemelo cruzando un paso de cebra, así como suena. No hubo ni tropezón, ni resbalón, ni caída; ni siquiera fue cómico. Lo que viene siendo una putada, vamos, porque ya que te tienes que aguantar los dolores, qué menos que poder echar un chascarrillo al respecto.
El médico me recomienda dos días de reposo absoluto. Llevo uno y medio y estoy que me subo por las paredes.
He terminado el libro que estaba leyendo, he dibujado, he puesto una lavadora, he hecho ganchillo, he tendido la lavadora, me he depilado las cejas, he visto todo internet, me he pintado las uñas, he visto un capítulo de True Detective y "Los Amantes pasajeros". Que por cierto, qué mala.
En definitiva, que ya no sé que más hacer. Dadme ideas, que me queda medio día por delante, o mejor aún, si andáis cerca venid a hacerme una visita y sacadme de este bucle. Vía Skype también me valen.
I want to tell you how exciting my weekend is. Turns out I sprained my calf crossing the street, as dull as it sounds. I didn't fall, nor slipped, it wasn't even comical! Which is really annoying, having to bare the pain without a funny little story to be told about it.
Doctor ordered to rest for two days, which is basically the whole weekend. I have been resting for a day and a half and I am already fed up.
I finished the book I was reading, I spent some time drawing, did laundry, made crochet, checked Facebook, saw the whole Internet, watched an episode of "True Detective" and Almodovar's "I'm so Excited". By the way, it is damn bad!
In short, I don't know what else to do. Give me some ideas please, I still have half day ahead, or better still, pay me a visit and take me out of this spiral! Skype visits also count.
En definitiva, que ya no sé que más hacer. Dadme ideas, que me queda medio día por delante, o mejor aún, si andáis cerca venid a hacerme una visita y sacadme de este bucle. Vía Skype también me valen.
I want to tell you how exciting my weekend is. Turns out I sprained my calf crossing the street, as dull as it sounds. I didn't fall, nor slipped, it wasn't even comical! Which is really annoying, having to bare the pain without a funny little story to be told about it.
Doctor ordered to rest for two days, which is basically the whole weekend. I have been resting for a day and a half and I am already fed up.
I finished the book I was reading, I spent some time drawing, did laundry, made crochet, checked Facebook, saw the whole Internet, watched an episode of "True Detective" and Almodovar's "I'm so Excited". By the way, it is damn bad!
In short, I don't know what else to do. Give me some ideas please, I still have half day ahead, or better still, pay me a visit and take me out of this spiral! Skype visits also count.